Tuesday, October 10, 2006 , 7:24 AM

i switched on my com at 10.30am.. and found out that theres a stupid audition patch from 1000 - 1700.. then just now i switch on again at 0900.. lucky they extend the patch until this time.. but now still must wait for the thingy to load.. and its progressing at a snail's pace.. :( sighsighSIGH!
the patch is useless. a few more avatars and songs only.. then make me wait until so long..


played kongkongSEA and ms. butitsnouse.
i cannot live without audition laa.
for those gaming idiots.. u probably dno what im crapping about.. haha.


Saturday, October 07, 2006 , 5:44 AM

there's this channel 8 sitcom on i not stupiid 2 later.. and im so NOT gna miss it! haha. :D anw. here 2 update.. ive been coughing non-stop for the past few hours and sniffling.. probably because of the aftereffects of staying in the hall for too long.. its freezing cold in there! ahha. but now im free! yay! ohwow the psi is lyk 143 now... cannot see anything when i look out of the window.. haha. so cool.. hope that school will be cancelled for 2 weeks or so.. i dont want to get back papers!! ahhh!
didnt really went out today.. except for piano lessons.. i lurveee the sonata by mozart!! forgot whats the opus number already.. but its verii nice lah! hahaa.
i want to go out badly! when will santo (nickname given by mrs chew!) and hui min be free??? ahh. and im dreading the chinese remedial lessons nxt week... 4 hourss!! ohmygawd.
okay.. signing off noww. hehe.

Friday, October 06, 2006 , 12:53 AM

finally. today has come!woo-hoo! its e end of the eyes!!! hah.
so happy, was practically trembling with excitement just now during physics. though i know that i made quite a number of mistakes for section A. ohwells. :(
hmm. lets see. english and higher mt was okay. emaths also.. as for ss.. i think its a bit hard.. plus i have no time! ahh. i started on se first.. andwent to sb half an hour before the paper ends.. haha. nvm.. then. chem.. was quite okay.. geog elec.. i dont understand the last question lahh! ahh. 8 marks summore.. anyhow crapped.. a maths was okay... bio was: S-U-C-K-Y! and last of all, physics.. not sure if i'll do well.. anyway.. im VERY relieved now.. have not touched the com for months!!! haha. :D
good luck to those who still have exams from monday to wednesday!! JIAYOOUUUUUUU!! :DD u can do it! just endure! hahaa.